Residential Blueprint CAD Software

Are you ready to utilize residential blueprint CAD software that delivers serious ROI? Then, it’s time to discover SolidBuilder and Building Blocks by Digital Canal. This duo of programs serves as an incredible asset for both the designing and construction aspects of your project.

With our blueprint CAD program for contractors, you are able to quickly and efficiently design your project, utilizing a 3D model along the way to really get a vivid sense of what the finished project will look like.

From there, our residential CAD software for building professionals can then convert that design to workable blueprints with just a few clicks of the mouse. Everything you design in SolidBuilder can be actually built out in the field thanks to the True Build technology that our software was developed with.


How our CAD software for building contractors saves you money
It doesn’t matter if you run a large construction firm or are essentially a one- or two-man operation — SolidBuilder and Building Blocks are going to allow you to save, and even generate more, money. Here’s how:

  • Save time: Our residential blueprint CAD software streamlines your projects and saves you time in every phase of the build. From making quick and seamless changes to your design to having access to instant blueprints, we have simplified what used to be a laborious process.
  • Eliminate errors: It’s unfortunately not uncommon for construction professionals to design their projects and then find out in the field that they’ve erred in this process. They are forced to make quick changes and could be left with wasted materials and time. SolidBuilder eliminates these errors and is hailed for its accuracy.
  • Win more bids and better service your clients: This blueprint CAD program for contractors is a huge benefit to construction professionals, but clients and potential clients win, too. They are able to offer changes to their project and see them right away, not to mention get a clear look at what their project will look like when it’s done.


The impact on your company’s financial success only continues from there. SolidBuilder is available for a minimal investment, and most professionals report that it pays for itself in a matter of days or weeks.

SolidBuilder has differentiated itself as a truly game-changing software for construction professionals. We invite you to explore a free demonstration of our residential blueprint CAD software by contacting Digital Canal and scheduling a time. We look forward to helping bring your construction business to the next level.